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Re: Followup on unimplemented system calls 103 and 119

On Mon, 9 Nov 1998, Matthew Haas wrote:

> There is a kernel 2.0.35 binary which I could have installed as opposed to
> the default 2.0.33... if I were to install this one, would it be
> sufficient enough to fix my problems (get rid of the syscall warnings)?

The (minor) patch may have been incorporated, or it may not have. It is in
the vger CVS tree's stable kernel branch.

> Compiling a kernel, I read something about the kernel couldn't be compiled
> with the debian source, and to get a vger source tree... what about a
> regular stock source tree? I am considering ATTEMPTING to compile 2.1.125
> after I get my system up and running, will I need any extra patches? 

Reports are that the mainline 2.1.125 needs a one line patch *IF* you use
SMP. If you have an SS2, you don't want SMP.

> I saw a math-emu module on installation... this wouldn't be *needed* by my
> SS-2, would it? It has its own FPU, so it shouldn't need any additional
> things right?

You want it anyhow. It covers a few operations you don't have.

> I also saw a bpp module, what does this jobby do?

Bidirectional parallel port, but it does not work.


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