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Re: Emulation

On Jun 08, sleep <sleep@wavetech.net> wrote:
 >I was wondering if anyone knew how usuable kernel Solaris emulations is
 >and how to set it up. I've read all the kernel docs and havent really gotten a clear idea of how it all works.
>From some old FAQ:

   10. How do I set up SunOS/Solaris emulation?

   If the SunOS binary needs any shared libraries or other files they
   need to placed in the following directories:


   NOTE: Do not just mount your SunOS or Solaris root directory at the
   above directories. The system will then find the wrong /dev directory
   and you will have problems. (UltraLinux uses different major/minor
   numbers than SunOS and Solaris)

   For emulation purposes the system will consider these the root
   directory. So it will look for SunOS shared libraries in
   /usr/gnemul/sunos/usr/lib and Solaris /etc files will go in

   Do not ever put a Solaris or SunOS shared lib or a configuration files
   in /etc or /usr/lib, use the places we have provided for it).

   For SunOS emulation you will need (at a minimum):
     * /etc/ld.so.cache (put into /usr/gnemul/sunos/etc)
     * /usr/lib/ld.so (put into /usr/gnemul/sunos/usr/lib)
     * /usr/lib/libdl.so.* (put into /usr/gnemul/sunos/usr/lib)
     * /usr/lib/libc*so* (put into /usr/gnemul/sunos/usr/lib)
     * any other libraries the binary dynamically links with (use the
       "ldd" command to check)


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