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Re: Mod_perl and Linux/Sparc

On 12 Aug 1999, Adam Di Carlo wrote:

> Ryan, your mod_perl problems sound wierd.  Can you file a bug against
> mod_perl?

	I will. 
	Also, it appears that if one starts apache with other mod-perl
support, edit httpd.conf to add it, and then use 'apachectl restart',
mod-perl loads fine and everything works! Wierd indeed! Oh well, at least
it works, and I have hacked up the /etc/init.d/apache file to start apache
without mod-perl, and then restart it with mod-perl. A little extra time
at boot, but after that, nothing major! :)

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."                     |
|                                            --- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)    |
|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | rkirkpat@nag.cs.colorado.edu  |
|               http://www-ugrad.cs.colorado.edu/~rkirkpat/                |

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