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Re: Freeze of 2.2.9/2.2.10 on Ultra5

>>>>> "Ben" == Ben Collins <bcollins@debian.org> writes:

Ben> There was a version of egcs64 in potato that did cause problems
Ben> like you describe. The current egcs64 is known to be good.

New crash yesterday and today at 4AM. After investigation, it looks
like the cluprit is this crontab:

0 4 * * * postgres      [ -x /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/do.maintenance ] && /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/do.maintenance -a

I just run it by hand and I got a full freeze (no three fingers key,
no magic sysreq, no L1-A, etc.).

Is anyone around running Postgres on a Ultra5 with a recent kernel?

Samuel Tardieu -- sam@debian.org

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