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Re: X-server problem.

> > The first time I get the XDM inlog window I can use CTRL-ALT-F1 .. F2
> > key-strokes. Also during the session, thus after I have logged in. But
> > when I close the X-session and the XDM inlog window returns I am not
> > able to use the CTRL-ALT-F1 .. F2 key-strokes.
> > 
> > My work-around is to not to reset the X-server at the end of an
> > X-session but to restart it. When I restart it, there isn't a problem at
> > all. Nevertheless, I find it a strange problem and I hope you can help
> > me.
> That is a very strange problem.  Which Xserver are you running?  Which
> version?

This is not a srange one because many people around here, running IPC, IPX, classic, have this problems. Also if I start X like

X -indirect otherhost.

I can't swith to virtual terminal either.

BTW, I'm running slink with Xsun 8bit.


PS this also happen to RH6 sparc too.

| Chanop Silpa-Anan                 <Chanop.Silpa-Anan@faceng.anu.edu.au>     |
| Australian National University                                              |
| visit my web site (not yet finished)                                        |
| http://hilbert.anu.edu.au/~chanop/                                          |
|         Debian GNU Hurd         PGP available upon request                  |

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