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Re: Account on sparc machine(s) wanted

In article <[🔎] Pine.LNX.4.63.0509211958510.3207@bobcat> you write:
>I am a member of Debian kernel team, working (to the extent of my 
>abilities) on sparc-specific bugs. Recently I have moved and thus was 
>forced to get rid of all my sparc hardware which I used for d-i testing 
>and kernel work. The plans to get some new machines are on the way (Blars 
>Blarson has a sparc32 box waiting for me and Andres Salomon is planning to 
>ship an Ultra 5 my way), but it will take at least a few more weeks before 
>I can lay my hands on them. In the meantime I can't even do test kernel 
>builds or any basic testing/porting. If you have a possibility to open 
>an account for me on a sparc box for this purpose, I would really 
>appreciate it. If the box can be rebooted remotely or accessed via the 
>serial console, that would be a huge plus.

I have an Ultra 30 available - mail me a (PGP-signed) ssh key and I'll
set you up.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.

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