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Re: Console problems during installation of Lenny

Geert Stappers wrote:
Op 20081213 om 13:54 schreef Frans Pop:
I've looked at the logs you sent me provately and the first showed a stupid syntax error in the reopen-console script. I've just uploaded a new version of rootskel to fix that.
a Local build of the Sparc rootskel udeb was done.

Daily images that include the new version (1.72) should work correctly. Those should normally be available tomorrow, but to be certain you could wait an extra day to retry.
an Extra daily build was done for Sparc

Wow, that's fast!!

You can check which version is included in daily images by looking at:
The temporary udeb is named rootskel 1.72+localudeb
and will be gone after tomorrow.

I guess I better then download it today!

Unfortunately, the daily build on http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/daily-builds/daily/arch-latest/sparc/iso-cd/ is still from 10:38 (09:38 UTC). Is that the one you referring to?

Feedback of the new tests are welcome.

I'll do that. :-)


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