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Testing migration summary 2024-04-26 (Friday)

On 2024-04-26 (Friday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                      version                         previous
  abseil                              20230802.1-4                    20220623.1-3
  alberta                             3.0.3-2                         (not in testing)
  apt                                 2.9.2                           2.7.12
  apt-move                            4.2.27-6                        (not in testing)
  aptitude                            0.8.13-6                        0.8.13-5
  argus-clients                       1:                   (not in testing)
  atari800                            5.2.0-2                         5.0.0-1
  azure-kusto-python                  4.4.0-2                         4.4.0-1
  bctoolbox                           5.2.0-2.1                       5.2.0-2
  belle-sip                           5.2.0+dfsg-3.1                  5.2.0+dfsg-3
  blhc                                0.14+git20240421.5d2c338-1      0.13+git20230913.fb2c46d-1
  bmtk                                1.1.0+ds-1                      1.0.8+ds-3
  bootterm                            0.5-1                           (not in testing)
  btrfs-progs                         6.6.3-1.1                       6.6.3-1
  bullet                              3.24+dfsg-2.1                   3.24+dfsg-2
  coin3                               4.0.2+ds-1.2                    4.0.2+ds-1
  coolmail                            1.3-13                          (not in testing)
  curl                                8.7.1-3                         8.5.0-2
  deepin-gettext-tools                1.0.11-1                        1.0.10-1
  dnsenum                             1.3.2-1                         1.3.1-1.1
  docbook-xsl-doc                     1.79.1-2                        1.79.1-1
  drgn                                0.0.26-1                        0.0.25-2
  e2fsprogs                           1.47.0-2.4                      1.47.0-2
  ed                                  1.20.1-1.1                      1.20.1-1
  elfutils                            0.191-1                         0.190-1
  execnet                             2.1.1-1                         2.0.2-1
  faudio                              24.04+dfsg-1                    24.02+dfsg-1
  ffmpegthumbnailer                   2.2.2+git20240104+dfsg-1        2.2.2+git20220218+dfsg-2
  flac                                1.4.3+ds-2.1                    1.4.3+ds-2
  forensics-all                       3.49                            (not in testing)
  fricas                              1.3.10-2                        1.3.10-1
  gcl                                 2.6.14-9                        2.6.14-6
  gcl27                               2.7.0-21                        (not in testing)
  gdbm                                1.23-5.1                        1.23-5
  geos                                3.12.1-3                        3.12.1-1
  golang-github-xanzy-go-gitlab       0.103.0-1                       0.94.0-1
  got                                 0.97-1                          0.95-1
  groonga                             13.1.1+dfsg-3                   13.1.1+dfsg-1
  groonga-normalizer-mysql            1.2.3-4                         1.2.3-1
  i3pystatus                          3.35+git20191126.5a8eaf4-2.2    (not in testing)
  insilicoseq                         2.0.1-1                         2.0.0-1
  iraf-st4gem                         1.0+ds-3                        1.0+ds-2
  kickpass                            0.2.0-7                         0.2.0-6
  knot                                3.3.5-1.1                       3.3.4-1
  lastpass-cli                        1.4.0-1                         1.3.7-1
  libabigail                          2.4-3                           2.4-2
  libassa                             3.5.1-8.1                       3.5.1-8
  libdvdnav                           6.1.1-3                         6.1.1-1
  libdvdread                          6.1.3-1.1                       6.1.3-1
  libept                              1.2.1+nmu1                      1.2.1
  libevent                            2.1.12-stable-8.1               2.1.12-stable-8
  libgav1                             0.19.0-2                        0.18.0-1
  liblxi                              1.20-2                          (not in testing)
  libmatthew-java                     0.8.1-3                         0.8.1-2
  libopensmtpd                        0.7-2.1                         0.7-2
  librep                              0.92.5-3.2                      0.92.5-3.1
  librist                             0.2.10+dfsg-2                   0.2.10+dfsg-1
  librostlab-blast                    1.0.1-14                        1.0.1-13
  libstb                              0.0~git20230129.5736b15+ds-1.2  0.0~git20230129.5736b15+ds-1
  libtext-layout-perl                 0.036-1                         0.035-2
  libtirpc                            1.3.4+ds-1.3                    1.3.4+ds-1
  libvmod-re2                         2.0.0-2                         (not in testing)
  libvmod-selector                    2.6.0-3                         (not in testing)
  libxt                               1:1.2.1-1.2                     1:1.2.1-1.1
  libzen                              0.4.41-2.1                      0.4.41-2
  limnoria                            2023.11.18-2                    2023.11.18-1
  lmbench                             3.0-a9+debian.1-7               3.0-a9+debian.1-6
  makedumpfile                        1:1.7.5-1                       1:1.7.4-1
  mjpegtools                          1:2.1.0+debian-8.1              1:2.1.0+debian-8
  mpd-sima                            0.18.2-2                        0.18.2-1
  mysql-connector-c++                 1.1.12-4.1                      1.1.12-4
  myst-parser                         3.0.0-1                         2.0.0-1
  neatvnc                             0.8.0+dfsg-1                    0.7.1+dfsg-2
  nsd                                 4.9.1-1                         4.8.0-1
  nvidia-persistenced                 535.171.04-1                    525.147.05-1
  ode                                 2:0.16.2-1.1                    2:0.16.2-1
  olpc-powerd                         23-5                            23-4
  ompl                                1.5.2+ds1-1.1                   (not in testing)
  openbgpd                            8.4-1                           8.3-1
  ora2pg                              24.3-1                          24.1-1
  orc                                 1:0.4.38-1                      1:0.4.34-3
  parsnp                              2.0.5+dfsg-1                    2.0.4+dfsg-1
  pdns                                4.9.0-2                         4.8.3-4
  pgbouncer                           1.22.1-1                        1.22.0-1
  php-monolog                         2.9.3-1                         2.9.2-2
  pigx-rnaseq                         0.1.0-1.1                       (not in testing)
  pontos                              24.3.1-1                        (not in testing)
  prctl                               1.6-3                           (not in testing)
  progress-linux                      20240420-3                      20221212-3
  pyensembl                           2.3.12-1                        2.3.11-1
  pyode                               1.2.0.dev15-5                   1.2.0.dev15-4
  python-asv-runner                   0.2.1-2                         (not in testing)
  python-bcj                          1.0.2+ds-1                      (not in testing)
  python-brotlicffi                             (not in testing)
  python-colorful                     0.5.5-2                         (not in testing)
  python-cotengrust                   0.1.2-1                         0.1.1-1
  python-hatch-requirements-txt       0.4.1-2                         0.4.1-1
  python-hypothesis                   6.100.1-3                       6.100.1-2
  python-itemloaders                  1.2.0-3                         1.2.0-1
  python-mitogen                      0.3.7-2                         0.3.7-1
  python-parsl                        2024.04.22+ds-1                 2024.04.15+ds-1
  python-pkginfo                      1.10.0-1                        1.9.6-1
  python-pyqtgraph                    0.13.6-2                        0.13.4-2
  python-pytest-flake8                1.1.1-5                         1.1.1-4
  python-pyzstd                       0.15.10+ds1-1                   (not in testing)
  python-respx                        0.21.1-1                        0.21.0-1
  python-w3lib                        2.1.2-3                         2.1.2-1.1
  qt-material                         2.14-1                          (not in testing)
  r-bioc-ballgown                     2.34.0+dfsg-1                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-biovizbase                   1.50.0-1                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-bsgenome                     1.70.2-1                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-bsseq                        1.38.0+dfsg-1                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-cner                         1.38.0+dfsg-2                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-cummerbund                   2.44.0-1                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-dada2                        1.30.0+dfsg-1                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-degnorm                      1.12.0+ds-1                     (not in testing)
  r-bioc-demixt                       1.18.0+dfsg-1                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-dexseq                       1.48.0+dfsg-1                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-dss                          2.50.1+dfsg-1                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-edaseq                       2.36.0+dfsg-1                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-ensembldb                    2.26.0+dfsg-1                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-genelendatabase              1.38.0-1                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-genomicalignments            1.38.2-1                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-genomicfeatures              1.54.3+dfsg-1                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-genomicfiles                 1.38.0+dfsg-1                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-ggbio                        1.50.0-1                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-goseq                        1.54.0-1                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-grohmm                       1.36.0-1                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-gviz                         1.46.1+dfsg-1                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-ioniser                      2.26.0+dfsg-1                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-isoformswitchanalyzer        2.2.0+ds-1                      (not in testing)
  r-bioc-mutationalpatterns           3.12.0+dfsg-1                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-organismdbi                  1.44.0+dfsg-1                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-purecn                       2.8.1+dfsg-1                    (not in testing)
  r-bioc-rgsepd                       1.34.0-1                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-rhtslib                      2.4.1+dfsg-3                    (not in testing)
  r-bioc-rsamtools                    2.18.0+dfsg-1                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-rtracklayer                  1.62.0-1                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-scrnaseq                     2.16.0+ds-1                     (not in testing)
  r-bioc-shortread                    1.60.0-2                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-structuralvariantannotation  1.18.0+ds-1                     (not in testing)
  r-bioc-tfbstools                    1.40.0+dfsg-1                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-titancna                     1.40.0-1                        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-tximeta                      1.20.3+dfsg-1                   (not in testing)
  r-bioc-variantannotation            1.48.1-1                        (not in testing)
  r-cran-alakazam                     1.3.0-1                         (not in testing)
  r-cran-sem                          3.1.15-2                        3.1.15-1
  r-cran-semtools                     0.5.6-2                         0.5.6-1
  r-cran-shazam                       1.2.0-1                         (not in testing)
  r-cran-spp                          1.16.0-2                        (not in testing)
  r-cran-tigger                       1.1.0-1                         (not in testing)
  r-cran-yaml                         2.3.8-2                         2.3.8-1
  rapidjson                           1.1.0+dfsg2-7.2                 1.1.0+dfsg2-7.1
  rasqal                              0.9.33-2.1                      0.9.33-2
  rl-renderpm                         4.0.3+repack-1                  4.0.3-2
  ros-catkin                          0.8.10-12                       0.8.10-11
  ros-rospkg                          1.5.1-1                         1.5.0-1
  ruby-ethon                          0.16.0-2                        0.16.0-1
  rust-bcrypt-pbkdf                   0.10.0-1                        (not in testing)
  rust-libc                           0.2.153-5                       0.2.153-1
  rust-libpulse-binding               2.28.1-3                        2.28.1-2
  rust-nix                            0.26.2-2                        0.26.2-1
  scalene                             1.5.39-1                        1.5.37-1
  sedutil                             1.20.0-2                        (not in testing)
  simage                              1.8.3+ds-2                      1.8.3+ds-1
  snapper                             0.10.6-1.1                      0.10.6-1
  spew                                1.0.8-1.2                       1.0.8-1.1
  srcpd                               2.1.6-2                         (not in testing)
  supermin                            5.2.2-4                         5.2.2-3
  tcpbench                            2.02-2                          (not in testing)
  tmux                                3.4-3                           3.3a-5
  trac-accountmanager                 0.6.0-1                         0.6~svn18547-2
  trac-httpauth                       1.3-2                           (not in testing)
  trac-roadmap                        0.4.3-1                         (not in testing)
  trickle                             1.07-13                         (not in testing)
  tzdata                              2024a-3                         2024a-1
  wayvnc                              0.8.0-1                         0.7.2-1
  wily                                0.13.42-2                       (not in testing)
  wolfssl                             5.6.6-1.3                       5.6.6-1.2
  xdvik-ja                            22.87.06+j1.42-3                22.87.06+j1.42-2
  xen                                 4.17.3+36-g54dacb5c02-1         4.17.3+10-g091466ba55-1
  xwayland-run                        0.0.3-2                         (not in testing)
  zvbi                                0.2.42-2                        0.2.42-1.1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See https://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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