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Re: 2 minor comments about Debian 2.1 installation and about kernel packages

liloconffig could leave any 'other' block alone if there is already a lilo.conf.
It should also be able to find if a FAT16/32 boot partition/record (dd then
grep?) exists and prompt to add it to the  config.

John F.

Adam Di Carlo wrote:

> Enrique Zanardi <ezanardi@ull.es> writes:
> > Yes, liloconfig step on dbootstrap is one of the "rough spots".
> > If someone has a little time to spare improving it, feel free to join us
> > in debian-boot and help us make it better.
> Should we work maybe on just using/adapting/extending the existing
> /usr/sbin/liloconfig script?  If not, why not?
> FYI, there are many lilo bugs in boot-floppies, search for lilo. This
> is a pretty good log of the missing functionality.  It seems to me
> that /usr/sbin/liloconfig just needs to be hacked to ask for an
> optional 'append' string, and maybe adapted for our needs (i.e.,
> alternative mount point, i.e., /target, for installling lilo prior to
> booting into the new base system, and we're done.
> --
> .....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>
> --
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