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a few bugs I don't have time to explore...

I started running Debian with an install off a set of 2.1r4 CDs.  After I
figured out how things worked, I upgraded to potato.  (I love my cable modem

 I kept some notes on stuff I found wrong/inconsistent.  I didn't report it
right away, since I was still getting a feel for Debian, and didn't want to
take the time to do bug reports.  Now, I'm really busy with school, and a
Debian release is coming up soon :), so I'm sending in my notes in the hope
that someone can look into some of these, and maybe fix them before potato
is released.

(slink) xloadimage doesn't register mime types
(slink) xli doesn't register mime types (imagemagick does)

(potato,slink) dpkg --largemem --info passes --largemem to dpkg-deb, which barfs

(potato) openssh default config has host * commented, so uncommenting stuff
	would put it under Host localhost only. -- reported 2000/1/28
 -- This is bug #56444, which I got around to submitting :)

(potato) debian 2.2.13 vmlinuz doesn't like my smc-ultra?!?!
 -- when I used apt-get dist-upgrade to get to potato, it installed the
kernel-2.2.13_2.2.13_2 package, which didn't seem to work with my SMC Ultra
card.  I didn't test this much.  Instead, I downloaded patch-2.2.14 and
applied it to the source tree from the kernel-source package.  The 2.2.14
kernel I compiled found my NIC just fine.

(potato) nscd init.d script doesn't work for reload.
 -- nscd is multi-threaded, and start-stop-daemon doesn't like that.  In
fact, running /etc/init.d/nscd reload   kills off nscd without printing any
error messages :(

llama:~# psg nscd
root      5864  0.0  1.0  1268  660 ttyp5    S    01:29   0:00 /usr/sbin/nscd
root      5865  0.0  1.0  1268  660 ttyp5    S    01:29   0:00 /usr/sbin/nscd
root      5866  0.5  1.0  1268  660 ttyp5    S    01:29   0:00 /usr/sbin/nscd
root      5867  0.0  1.0  1268  660 ttyp5    S    01:29   0:00 /usr/sbin/nscd
root      5869  0.0  0.7  1108  452 ttyp5    S    01:29   0:00 grep nscd
llama:~# /etc/init.d/nscd reload
Reloading Name Service Cache Daemon configuration.
llama:~# psg nscd
root      5859  0.0  0.6  1104  408 ttyp5    S    01:29   0:00 grep nscd

(hmmm, I guess I haven't closed that xterm since the devpts bugfix... :)

 Unless it is easy to make start-stop-daemon handle multi-threaded daemons
it is probably best to keep start-stop-daemon working well the way it is,
and handle multi-threaded daemons specially, with app-specific code for each
daemon.  For nscd, reload should be done by stoping then starting the
server, which start-stop-daemon can handle.  Or, nscd --shutdown can be used.

(potato) mpg123 is added to mailcap, but not for .m3u files.
 I put this in my lynx.rc under Stampede.  Don't feel like looking if the
format is the same for /etc/mailcap
VIEWER:audio/x-mpegurl:xterm -e mpg123 -y -v -b 1024 -@ %s &:XWINDOWS
VIEWER:audio/x-mpegurl:mpg123 -b 1024 -y -v -@ %s:NON_XWINDOWS
VIEWER:audio/mpeg:xterm -e mpg123 -y -v -b 1024 -@ %s &:XWINDOWS
VIEWER:audio/mpeg:mpg123 -b 1024 -y -v -@ %s:NON_XWINDOWS
(potato) /etc/apt/sources.list: if you specify dist as potato, it looks for
	"unstable", not potato.

 The point here is that potato is no longer "unstable", but (unless I update
it, which I don't because of apt :) the mirror I made on my hard drive is
going to be potato regardless of evolution of Debian.  I have:
deb file:/pub/debian/ potato main contrib non-free
as part of my sources.list.  apt fails to get packages from my hard disk
unless /pub/debian/dists/unstable is a symlink to potato.  This seems silly
to me.  Why doesn't it just use the "potato" directory, like I tell it too?
I explicitly say "unstable" in http URIs, so I always have Debian unstable,
whatever it happens to be at the time.

(I guess this is as much a newbie question as a bug report, because
I might know how to get apt to do my bidding if I'd been using it longer.
While I'm at it, how do I tell "the system" that it is Debian GNU/Linux 2.3
woody.  My /etc/issue files still say potato explicitly.  (except
/etc/issue.mgetty).  I changed /etc/debian_version by hand.  It would be
cool if apt-get dist-upgrade could change the name of the distro that the
system has, if it figured out that it had moved to a new version of Debian. :)

(potato) lsof is setgid to kmem

 lsof uses /proc and shouldn't need any permission to run, right?  The
manpage says that for  Linux 2.1.72 and above (/proc-based lsof)  lsof
doesn't need any permissions.

 Thanks for making Debian as good as it is already.  I hope it continues to

#define X(x,y) x##y
DUPS Secretary ; http://is2.dal.ca/~dups/
Peter Cordes ;  e-mail: X(peter@cordes.phys. , dal.ca)

"The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish the hours!
 Confound him, too, who in this place set up a sundial, to cut and hack
 my day so wretchedly into small pieces!" -- Plautus, 200 BCE

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