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network interface deconfiguration upon halt and reboot

Does Debian ever actually deconfigure network interfaces upon halt or
reboot? My Debian testing gives the following:

$ ls /etc/rc?.d/*networking
/etc/rc0.d/S35networking  /etc/rc6.d/S35networking

Looking at the list output above, there are no symlinks to 'kill'
the network interfaces (/etc/rc0.d/KXXnetworking etc.). That is,
"ifdown -a" never gets executed for my system to bring down the

I was testing 2.4.13-ac8 kernel and was getting plenty of
"eth0: too much work at interrupt, intrstatus = 0x0001" -messages
when shutting down. My first reaction was to think that the kernel
itself was broken, and that may well be the case. However, running
"ifdown -a" before shutdown solved this, and there were no more
messages like that.


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