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Bug#207712: installation failure on powerbook g4 (15")

Package: installation-reports
Version: 0.0.002


Debian-installer-version: CVS checkout and build on 2003-08-29 00:10 CET
uname -a: Linux eppesuig3 2.4.22-pre4-ben0 #1 Fri Aug 22 18:08:04 CEST 2003 ppc GNU/Linux
Date: 2003-08-29
Method: I made a cdrom image and booted from cdrom
Machine: Apple Powerbook3,5 G4@867Mhz, 15" (radeon)
Processor: powerpc
Memory: 512Mb
Root Device: IDE, /dev/hda, 40Gb
Root Size/partition table:  unpartitioned hard disk
Output of lspci:

Base System Installation Checklist:

Initial boot worked:    [O]
Configure network HW:   [ ]
Config network:         [ ]
Detect CD:              [ ]
Load installer modules: [ ]
Detect hard drives:     [ ]
Partition hard drives:  [ ]
Create file systems:    [ ]
Mount partitions:       [ ]
Install base system:    [ ]
Install boot loader:    [ ]
Reboot:                 [ ]
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it


The computer booted from cdrom and paused at the yaboot prompt, then I
waited some seconds in order to get the kernel loaded.
The kernel was loaded and started checking the hardware.
After printing the line

adb: finished probe task...

the boot stopped. The machine wasn't blocked: if I insert/remove a USB
mouse then I may see the kernel messages from hub.c and usb.c stating
that the new device is being added/removed.
Apart from this the machine was blocked.

During a normal boot of the machine I saw that after the adb: line there
is always the 'INIT' line, so probably the kernel booted right but was
unable to run init.

As a side note, I found a typo in the first text printed from yaboot.
I corrected it and committed to CVS.


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