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Re: debian sucks aka i cant get it to install

On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 20:49, Ian L wrote:
> I'm glad debian isnt my first introduction to linux because if it were, i'd 
> be running back to windows.

So that means you've installed linux before?  Then don't bitch about
bugs in Sarge.  They happen and we're here to find them.

> Right now trying the testing network install
> I've tried installing it several times now in several ways and i cant get 
> anywhere with it (including the stable cd-rom install). Lilo never seems to 
> load, nor does grub. It either does nothing, or does something too quick 
> for me to see what its doing and then just puts me back where i was. 
> Selecting the 'finish install and reboot' option just puts me back at the 
> lilo setup screen.

Honestly, that sounds like you aren't reading whats on the screen.  I've
tried several of the newer testing net install cd images and they work
fine with the exception of the partitioning screen (it tries to mount
swap space in a physical location if you don't use some trickery. 
certainly nothing "show stopping" about it).  As far as the stable
cd-rom...its STABLE.  It works and it works well.  Perhaps you don't
understand what its talking about or asking you to do, but it is
certainly not at fault here unless you have some really crazy hardware
or have a pension for banging your head into the keyboard randomly.

> Several times i've gotten a debootstrap error because awk was already there 
> (booted into the shell and deleted awk to get past that problem).  I've 
> also gotten debootstrap error return value 127. When i get that error and 
> look in the debootstrap log file, it says error were encountered while 
> processing:
> libopencdk8
> libgnutils7
> exim4-daemon-light
> mailx
> at
> exim4
> /usr/sbin/debootstrap: 1: sleep: not found

That looks like the debootstrap issue discussed a short time ago. 
Basically (as of two days ago) the testing debootstrap is unable to
install whats in testing (oh the irony...).  The fix is to use
debootstrap from unstable.  Not sure how that affects the net install
cds.  Their images should be fixed once the unstable deboostrap gets
migrated into testing.  A quick google search should have produced an
answer...not to mention being on this list.

> Can anyone point me to some resources that give you a good guide on how to 
> install debian? I'm familar with linux through redhat, but this is the 
> first time i'm playing around with debian. I'd REALLY appreciate some help 
> getting this working. But please dont send me anymore new MS patches to fix 
> this  ;)
> Ian

http://www.debian.org has THE install guide.  Obviously.  If you haven't
gone there yet looking for assistance, kindly slice off your left hand
as penance.

http://www.google.com has the answer to EVERYTHING.  If debian.org fails
you, I would hope you realize that there are search engines to find what
you're looking for.  If you had typed some keywords about your
problem(s) i'm sure you would have come up with something.  

http://www.debianplanet.org is also a good resource, though most new
debian users haven't heard of it.

--Travis Groth

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