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RE: modules

Hi Andrey,
> Hello. I'm new with testing. I have a few questions. Please 
> answer or send me to proper list. I used daily built of Sarge 
> installer  without any big problems. Just trouble to get out 
> of setting sources for apt, but I did them manuallly and hit 
> cancel which took me to main menu. 
> System works almost no problems just at the boot I'm getting 
> message "couln't open /etc/mtab" but from what I see this is 
> typical problem of this installer. I need advice.. I'd like 
> to compile kernel. When I do lsmod I see all my modules loaded :
> snip
> usb-uhci               19696   0  (unused)
> usbcore                52588   0  [usb-uhci]
> via82cxxx_audio        17756   1
> ac97_codec             11412   0  [via82cxxx_audio]
> uart401                 6244   0  [via82cxxx_audio]
> sound                  50568   0  [via82cxxx_audio uart401]
> soundcore               3268   4  [via82cxxx_audio sound]
> ide-scsi                8464   0
> 3c59x                  24016   1
> snip
> but my /etc/modules  looks like that:
> sd_mod
> ide-cd
> ide-detect
> If I go to /etc/modutils there are no my sound modules to 
> load. When I take look on my stock kernel config file above 
> sound modules are compiled as modules:
> snip
> CONFIG_MSNDPIN_INIT_FILE="/etc/sound/pndspini.bin"
> CONFIG_MSNDPIN_PERM_FILE="/etc/sound/pndsperm.bin"
> snip
> And they are in /lib/modules. How do they load? Kernel  loads 
> modules automatically? How come they are not in 

Have you tried to load them through modconf?  Once this is set they will
reload automatically every boot.

If it's a debian kernel installed via apt, you'll have all you need.

> /etc/modutils/aliases Last kernel I compiled was 2.4.20 and I 
> compiled modules and than added them to /etc/modules so they 
> load. SCSI and IDE I always compile into kernel. And there 
> comes my second question. I read 2 articles about compiling 
> Debian specific kernel.:
> http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=2949&page=1
> http://www.tux.org/~tbr/debiankernelpkg/
> But all new kernels are coming with initrd.img. Is this a 
> must or can I compile old way?

A benefit to using intird is that it is modular and adaptable to use on
a great many other machines without the need to recompile and without
bulking up the kernel with components that aren't being used. You can
also specify third party modules that can't be compiled into the kernel,
for use with RAID etc.

Sure you can compile without initrd, but I recommend you install the
kernel-package "package" via apt-get and read howto use it if you want
things to run smoothly in the Debian way...


Lewis Shobbrook

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