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Sarge questions: Gnome and Arabtex

I'm using Sarg and updating it regularly but have the following two

1) Under Gnome I can't get Alt-Ctrl-Backspace to work killing the Xsession
or Alt-FnKeys to switch to a virutal console. These keys work fine with my other
window managers but not with Gnome.

2) I tried to use arabtex with a test file that I've placed at
http://www.tghaleb.com/downloads/testarabic.tex .
Transletration seems to work fine, it is the utf-8 that doesn't work.
Any suggestions. I got the following errors:

! Undefined control sequence.
l.23 \a
       @ident {utf8.sty} {3.10 UTF-8 input encoding } {13.06.2000}
! Undefined control sequence.
l.39 \a
      @message {scanner for code UTF-8 installed.}
(ArabTeX) unknown input encoding `utf8'; ArabTeX standard
encoding is assumed.



"Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses." - Confucius (551 BC-479 BC)

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