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Richard Ibbotson wrote:


Tried asking this question elsewhere and didn't get any answers...

Anyone have any ideas of what this might be about ? I've installed Debian Sarge into my workstation. It's really nice. Look forward to turning some work out with it.

Everything seems to work even after updating to the 2.6.8 kernel and associated Nvidia drivers. The sound works fine with my old JVC tuner and Kscd. Sounds really good with my Ensoniq Audio PCI card.

There's just an annoying problem with XMMS. It won't play my MP3 or Ogg Vorbis based music. XMMS itself is working but no music comes out of it. I notice that at the bottom of the XMMS config file there is a line which points at a sound plugin.... output_plugin=/usr/lib/xmms/Output/libOSS.so.... there are also some others in .... /usr/lib/xmms/Output....
Make sure you have the ogg vorbis and mp3 codecs installed. I had to install the xmms-vorbis package. They won't work without it. Also, fire up your mixer application (I right click on the sound level on the toolbar) and make sure that the PCM volume control is turned up. On my system, the cds would play, but the PCM was not turned up by default. Also make sure you don't have any other applications using your sound card (like a cd player) and check if you have a sound server running by going to Applications/Desktop Preferences/Sound and make sure the "Enable sound server startup" is disabled.

Hope this helps.


My own system uses Alsa. I've tried libALSA.so but that doesn't work either. If no sound was coming out of the speakers I would suspect the kernel but since I can use other applications to play music it would seem to be the this is related to XMMS ? Bottom of the XMMS config file below........

generic_title_format=%p - %t

Is it something to do with libarts ?

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