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Richard Ibbotson wrote:


Check the permissions on your alsa device file. By default this is
/dev/dsp(1?).  if you do a "ls -l /dev/dsp*" you should see what
the permissions are.  Mine looks like this:
jason@martensjason:~$ ls -l /dev/dsp*
crw-rw----  1 root audio 14,  3 Nov  9 03:18 /dev/dsp
crw-rw----  1 root audio 14, 19 Nov  9 03:18 /dev/dsp1

Hmm.... comes up as...

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root       9 2004-10-21 18:44 /dev/dsp -> /dev/dsp0
crw-rw----  1 root audio 14,  3 2004-10-21 18:44 /dev/dsp0
crw-rw----  1 root audio 14, 19 2004-10-21 18:44 /dev/dsp1
crw-rw----  1 root audio 14, 35 2004-10-21 18:44 /dev/dsp2
crw-rw----  1 root audio 14, 51 2004-10-21 18:44 /dev/dsp3

If you want to change the permissions of the device file (not
recommended) you can run "chmod 777 /dev/dsp*" as root.

Tried this and still get...

" failed to open audio output Alsa 1.2.10 output plugin"

in a Gtk GUI based error messsage..
Just out of curiosity, did you run the command exactly as I typed it? If you just changed the permissions on the /dev/dsp link, it won't help you.
Other than that, I'm running out of ideas...

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