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Re: no devices after apt-get upgrade

Jason Martens wrote:
Lasse Bombien wrote:

Hi Dominik,
I experienced the same problem after upgrading today. I had to interact
twice when preconfiguring packages (I just confirmed the suggestions and
can't recall the names of the packages). When I rebooted later, I
noticed that I couldn't find my floppy device, just now i lost my usb
pen drive...

I never had problems with deb-updates either and now I don't quite know
what to do.

I'm afraid, this won't help you, but i hope someone will help me ...

This is probably because you installed udev. I can't remember what I did to make it work, and I don't have time right now to look it up. Try some searches for udev deban and see what you get.


hi jason!

thanx for the hint, but at least i did not install udev and one problem was, that there was no /etc/modprobe.conf after upgrade.

i had to rewrite my own modprobe.conf, which was annoying and i am still seeking for the thing/package/event that triggered the deletion?



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