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Re: partimage removed from sarge

Johannes Wiedersich wrote ..
> I am preparing for the upgrade from woody to sarge. Currently I am using
> partimage from unstable on my laptop without any problems. I would like
> to continue using it on our workstation cluster -- also in order not to
> loose any existing backups on an upgrade.
> Why was partimage removed from sarge?
Probably because of:

Which appear to be "fixed in NMU" but not yet "ACKed by maintainer".

The last upload (this month) indicates that there is a new maintainer, who is apparently not yet able to upload his own packages, but is, instead, being sponsored.

buildd.debian.org also seems to indicate that it (for some reason) isn't being built on all archs.  There are indications that it is 386 only (?!):

> Is it recommendable to include partimage or other packages from unstable
> in a working environment?
In my experience, installing a package from unstable (or even experimental) has not caused me any trouble.  But you should check with the maintainer, or on upstream lists, to see if there is any package-specific information.  You could also use apt pinning to keep partimage/woody.

> Are there any alternatives to backup M$-Partitions?
You can always use /usr/bin/dd; If you write the data back to a partition of the correct size (!!), it should work.  Probably you should also make a backup of the MBR (and extended boot records, if applicable.)  As always, test any solution before, after deciding on it..


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