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Re: rdesktop in conjunction with "Lock Screen" causes undesired lockup of the GUI

Use the program 'reportbug' to report it.

On 10/10/06, Stackpole, Chris <CStackpole@barbnet.com> wrote:
Debian testing (Etch)

Package: rdesktop 1.4.1-1.1

Desktop: Gnome 1:

Hello Everyone,

I believe I have found a bug, but I am unsure about how to classify it
within a bug report. I am hoping someone can give me some guidance on
submitting this as there are multiple programs being used. I did a few
searches and it does not appear that this has been noted yet. I have
tested this on 3 different Debian Etch machines and all have this issue,
I have not tested on any other type of Debian systems.

I will give a step-by-step on how to get this bug and my work around to
recover from it.

>From a terminal command line within Gnome I type in:

rdesktop -a 24 -g 1280x1024 -u UserName WindowsXPSystem

After initializing the connection and logging into the Windows system,
lock the screen on the Debian host ( Desktop Menu -> Lock Screen ).

The screen freezes. It does not blank out like it should and normally
does, it is just no longer responsive. The mouse can be moved around but
clicking does not do anything. The only keys I have found to respond on
the keyboard are Ctrl+Alt+Backspace  to reset the GUI and to switch
terminals ( Ctrl + Alt + F[1-7] ) and after you switch terminals the
keyboard responds again within the terminals but not on the desktop.

Resetting the GUI can lead to lost work. So you need to kill rdesktop.
You can either kill the rdesktop process from another terminal or by
logging into the Windows system from a different computer (thereby
breaking the remote session). Watching the Debian host desktop, this is
seems to be an immediate effect as you can see the screen refresh and
rdesktop close. You still can not type, change desktops, move windows,
or do anything else. This is where I just leave the Debian system alone
until the screensaver starts up again. Once it is started, logging back
into the system is no problem and everything works again.

It seems to me that rdesktop is what is throwing the kink in things, but
the fact that the "Lock Screen" / Screensaver does not handle this well
might be the problem. Of course it could be something within Gnome. I am
just uncertain as to how to file this report. Any comments or
suggestions are welcome.


Chris Stackpole

Andrew Donnellan
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