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[Martin Saturka: Re: Bug#68492: I can't reproduce this ]

Martin didn't copy the list, so I am. 


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Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 22:23:22 +0200 (CEST)
From: Martin Saturka <msat6526@mail.kolej.mff.cuni.cz>
To: "C.M. Connelly" <c@eskimo.com>
cc: 68492@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Re: Bug#68492: I can't reproduce this 
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> "MS" == Martin Saturka <msat6526@mail.kolej.mff.cuni.cz> writes:
>    MS> I'm sorry, as I wrote in last email, now I have new
>    MS> ...tex... packages and I can not reproduce the bug for
>    MS> now. Just:
> "C.M. C" == C.M. Connelly <c@eskimo.com>
>  C.M. C: In other words, you've upgraded your tetex-* packages, and the
>  C.M. C: problem is fixed?  (And the bug can be closed?)

Yes and No.

Yes: Finally, the "punctation" problem is fixed on my computer.

may be No:  The problem is, that just upgrade of the tetex-* (and/or
cs-*-tex-*) packages is not sufficient for fix of the problem. Purging of
cs-*-tex-* packages (may be not all of them) must precede the upgrade of
tetex-* packages. It means that other upgraders (that are in the same
condition as me) need to purge their cs-*-tex-* packages first too.


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