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Re: ArabTeX Problem, Suggestion, and Solution

> "psfonts/".  In there, you just need to copy the two pfb files to a directory 
> aptly named "/usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/arabtex/", and then add the two 
> lines in the file named "arabtex.map" to the bottom of the file named 
> "/usr/share/texmf/dvips/base/psfonts.map".  All it says is really:

The latest arabtex package (soon to be in unstable) provides the psfonts
in that directory, as well as the arabtex.map file.

The postinst also runs the updmap script to generate psfonts.map.

This doesn't work because updmap doesn't know anything about
arabtex.map; to make it do so requires the modification of a
file owned by another package, which violates Debian policy.

Unless I'm missing something, it would seem that the best course of
action would be for the teTeX guys to provide a method of registering
extra .map files.

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