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Bug#143866: Plain TeX lacks multilingual hyhphenation patterns

Package: tetex-bin
Version: 1.0.7+20011202
Tags: Woody
Severity: normal

Plain TeX has by default only support for US-english hyphenation
patterns compiled into the format file, although the TeX-version
distributed with Woody has various other hyphenation patterns
available.  This renders the "ngerman.sty"-package unusable for plain

This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.7)
(./test.tex (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/german/ngerman.sty v2.5e 1998-07-08
ngerman -- \language number for ngerman undefined, default 255 used,
ngerman -- Please read "gerdoc.tex" how to install hyphenation patterns.)

Manually installing those hyphenation patterns is somewhat inconvenient,
as it requires the user to modify files in the /usr/share/texmf
directory and to regenerate the format file using initex.

David Kühling

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