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Built! (Finally!) And the Future...

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Okay, I've finally got those packages built and uploaded.

There have been a lot of changes to tetex-base, most of which you
probably won't have seen as they're taking place on a branch off
the main trunk.  To get the sources I built from, you'll have to
run the following command to switch your working copy over to the

   cvs update -r license_cleanup

You might also be able to do

   cvs update -r debian_version_1_0_2+20011202-3

You might want to run 

   cvs update -A

afterwards to remove the sticky tags, but you probably won't need
to do so.

I built the packages using the existing rules file (with two small
changes -- I removed a couple of lines that did cleanup that was
already covered by dh_clean, and I added a line to run a script to
remove the files we're no longer distributing).

That said, I spent most of yesterday completely rewriting the
rules file, but haven't committed my changes yet.  It's mostly
cleanup, but I also commented the file thoroughly so it should be
easier to understand what's happening.

The major change is that I'm generating both a
debian/tetex-doc.files and a debian/tetex-extra.files file (the
old version only did debian/tetex-doc.files), and using
dh_movefiles to do the moving of files instead of some of the code
that existed.

There have been two results that need a bit of attention.  The
first is that I'm currently including a bunch of (I assume) empty
directories in the tetex-base package that should be in
tetex-extra.  Cleaning those up is probably pretty easy.

The second is that the contents of the debs are slightly
different.  I'm generating the pattern for the doc files
on-the-fly, which means that it picks up some directories that
ended up in tetex-base before.  I've also deliberately excluded
the pdftex and pdfetex directories from the files that go in
tetex-extra, which means they end up in tetex-base, which is
presumably at least one step closer to people being able to use
pdflatex without installing tetex-extra.

I want to sort the directory issue, and then I'll commit the rules
file so other people can have a look at it.  I'll also provide
some diffs between the file lists for debs built using the old and
new rules.


 Man cannot be civilised, or be kept civilised by what he does in his
	    spare time; only by what he does as his work.
			     W.R. Lethaby
  C.M. Connelly               cmc@debian.org                   SHC, DS
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