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Bug#182556: tetex-base: missing *.tcx encoding files

Michal Bialoskorski writes:

> Package: tetex-base
> Version: 2.0.1-2

> There is no /usr/share/texmf/web2c/*.tcx (/var/lib/texmf/web2c/*.tcx)  
> files needed for encoding.

> for exapmle:

> $ tex --translate-file=il2-pl myfile.tex

> should take encoding translation table from  file
> /usr/share/texmf/web2c/il2-pl.tcx 

> but of course it doesn't do this (there is no such file)..

Note for the maintainers: these are no longer installed from the web2c
sources, but now should be in the teTeX texmf tree.

Olaf Weber

               (This space left blank for technical reasons.)

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