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Re: lmodern fonts and sarge

On 28.01.04 Frank Küster (frank@kuesterei.ch) wrote:
> Michael Wiedmann <mw@miwie.in-berlin.de> schrieb:


> > I'd suggest to contact Thomas Esser, <te at informatik dot
> > uni-hannover dot de> and ask him about his plans to include the LM
> > fonts in the next tetex release.
> Don't know where, but I am sure that he said
> - cm-super will not be included in tetex (it's too big)
> - lmodern will be included
> Still I think we should make the package now. And if it's available
> for other applications, through defoma, it might be that we even
> keep it as a separate package once lmodern is in the tetex source.
In November of last year we had a short thread "Licenses of tetex and
its parts" IIRC. There I said, that we shouldn't create another
package tetex-xxx-nowfree with LaTeX-packages, which will be included
in next teTeX-release. The reason was, that later we would have to
add another Conflicts-field to tetex etc. I anybody needs a special
package. This is what CTAN is good for.
This was my opinion and is still. If the majority is against me --
well thats democracy. :-)

I bet the human brain is a kludge.
		-- Marvin Minsky

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