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Bug#83146: MF fatal error

tags 83146 + fixed-upstream

On 04.07.03 Hilmar Preusse (hille42@web.de) wrote:
> On 22.01.01 Julian Gilbey (J.D.Gilbey@qmw.ac.uk) wrote:


> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=83146
> > Wow!  I got a MetaFont "This can't happen (m)" error.  Here's how I
> > did it.
> > 
> > mf '\mode:=ljfzzz; mag:=1+0/1200; nonstopmode; input xslhz20'
> > 
> The author of musixtex seems to have fixed that bug by modifying
> xslhz.mf (patch included). The above given command now runs smoothly.
> Does that satisfy your conditions for closing that bug or do you
> propose a solution in mf.ch?
Script started on Mon Mar 22 22:07:19 2004
drachi:[hille] >mf '\mode:=ljfzzz; mag:=1+0/1200; nonstopmode; input xslhz20'
This is METAFONT, Version 2.71828 (Web2C 7.5.2)

(xslhz20.mf (xslhz.mf [0] [128] [1] [129] [2] [130] [3] [131] [4] [132]
[5] [133] [6] [134] [7] [135] [8] [136] [9] [137] [10] [138] [11] [139]
[12] [140] [13] [141] [14] [142] [15] [143] [16] [144] [17] [145] [18] [146]
[68] [196] [69] [197] [70] [198] [71] [199] [72] [200] [73] [201] [74] [202]
[96] [224] [97] [225] [98] [226] [99] [227] ) )
Font metrics written on xslhz20.tfm.
Output written on xslhz20.1200gf (200 characters, 100064 bytes).
Transcript written on xslhz20.log.
drachi:[hille] >sudo mv /usr/local/bin/mf /usr/local/bin/mf.new
drachi:[hille] >hash -r
drachi:[hille] >mf '\mode:=ljfzzz; mag:=1+0/1200; nonstopmode; input xslhz20'
This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182 (Web2C 7.3.7)

(xslhz20.mf (xslhz.mf [0] [128] [1] [129] [2] [130] [3] [131] [4] [132]
[5] [133] [6] [134] [7] [135] [8] [136] [9] [137] [10] [138] [11] [139]
[68] [196] [69] [197] [70] [198]
! This can't happen (m).
<recently read> ;
<for(72)> ...s3(thick,90);penstroke.z1e..z2e..z3e;
l.50 endfor
Font metrics written on xslhz20.tfm.
Output written on xslhz20.1200gf (142 characters, 53320 bytes).
Transcript written on xslhz20.log.
drachi:[hille] >
Script done on Mon Mar 22 22:08:00 2004

Seems to be fixed in upstream. Tagging.

sigmentation fault

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