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Re: [Frank Kuester] Please describe your tasksel policy, and re-add the tex task

On 27.09.04 Frank K?ster (frank@debian.org) wrote:
> Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de> wrote:


[No TeX Task any more] 
> > Any further respond from the tasksel maintainer?
> Conclusions:
> - There won't be a task TeX any more

> - We have to decide whether a meta-package or just carefully chosen
>   Recommends/Suggests are the best way to simplify the choices for
>   users.
What does mean the latter? In the moment tetex-bin is something like
the central package. "apt-get install tetex-bin" should give you a
working teTeX and suggest to install tetex-extra. The Meta package
would have just to depend on tetex-bin and so its surplus. We could
put a sentence into the description of tetex-bin, that installing
that package gives a minimal but working teTeX installation (if it's
not already there)...

> - I also had the idea of a (task or meta-package) "text processing
>   and typesetting", or "documentation" or something like this, with
>   sgml tools, docbook, makeinfo etc.
Hmm, that task could be very large, if it installs every kind of XML
processor. As Joey Hess already said in the bug report: users who
want teTeX or something like text processors should know, what they
are looking for. These tools are very specialized often and it
doesn't make sense to install them as a single block.

Hurewitz's Memory Principle:
	The chance of forgetting something is directly proportional
to ..... to ........ uh ..............

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