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Bug#273789: tetex-base: fmtutil.cnf not found

Thomas Heimroth <theimrot@gmx.de> wrote:

> On the other questions, if i have hardware-problems, i can say to you, that my
> hard-disk was one time full, if I execute the update. Then I have do an apt-get
> clean and retry an update.
> Then, it comes the errors with tetex-base, that it will be unconfigured. But I
> get an error with one packages, that has the same message. But I don't know the
> name. I have delete here the same from /var/lib/dpkg/info/...postinst. I think,
> that has something to do with tetex-base.

If the package just cannot be configured because tetex-base is not yet
configured, the message by dpkg will be different. If there really was a
message like 

dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von tetex-base (--configure):
 Unterprozess post-installation script gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück

Then there was really an error with this other package. 

> I have do that, because i get the advice from the debian channel. Can I reset
> the system to old stand? Then it will be better to describe the error.

Deleting files in /var/lib/dpkg/info is a very bad idea, even if they
advice it on IRC. I think that "apt-get --reinstall install $package"
will bring the system to its old state - but for that you would need to
know which package's postinst file you deleted.

So, now to the debugging of the tetex-base problem: It still hides
itself, but at least now it seems to always stop at the same place.

We've got some homework for you again: in
/usr/share/tetex-base/setup-ucf, change the line 

UCF="ucf --verbose -d --debconf-ok"


UCF="/bin/bash -x /usr/bin/ucf --verbose -d --debconf-ok"

And then do the usual thing: 

dpkg --configure -a >dpkg-setupucf-and-ucf.log 2>&1

and send us the new file.

Thank you, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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