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Re: [DRAFT]: The Debian TeX Policy

Florent Rougon <f.rougon@free.fr> writes:

> Frank Küster <frank@debian.org> wrote:
>>>>      TEXMFMAIN, can place them into SITETEXMF.  The package must make sure
>>>>      that the newer version is backward-compatible, that is: It must not
>>>                                                                ^
>>>                                                                i
>> No capital after a colon?
> Well, except if something like « George » followed the colon, but here,
> I don't know why you would want to have one (ah, yeah, I see: there are
> capitals everywhere in German ;-)).

I'm not entirely sure of the rules, but I think that usually you do
not capitalise after a colon.  [As Florent said, you do if the part
after the colon is a quote, and you do if the bit before the colon is
just is short piece of text introducing the stuff after is, as in:

Remark: This package is cool
I think there are other places where the same comment might apply.  It
may be best to rewrite so that a colon is not required.

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