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Re: Bug#281792: tetex-base: missing texdoctk files in /etc/texdoctk

"Ivo Grondman" <i.grondman@student.utwente.nl> schrieb:

> Hi Frank,
> I don't know if I should botter you with this, but a try can't hurt I guess
> ;)
> I was having some problems getting texdoctk running, so I searched it in
> Google, which led me to:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-tetex-maint/2004/11/msg00144.html
> Since this seemed the solution to the problem, I tried running down all the
> steps you mentioned. After making sure that everything was gone from my
> system (no texmf files anywhere left) I ran "apt-get install tetex-base
> tetex-extra", which gave me the following result:
> http://home.student.utwente.nl/i.grondman/aptinstalltetex.txt
> Notice the line: "Not replacing deleted config file
> /etc/texdoctk/texdocrc"!! I hope you can give me the answer to why this is
> happening?

That means that this file is still registered to ucf, it is still in
/var/lib/ucf/hashfile.  If you really followed the instructions in the
link above, this shouldn't be the case - purging tetex-base should
unregister it.

You have two choices, I think:

To quickly fix your system, run (as root)

ucf --purge /etc/texdoctk/texdocrc
apt-get --reinstall install tetex-base

The second option, which might tell us what went wrong, is to do the

First, edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/tetex-base.postrm. The first non-comment
line reads

set -e

change this to

set -ex

and then again follow the instructions in the first link.  However, it
would be good to do the purging of the tetex-packages separately - you
can purge tetex-bin and tetex-base together; then run 

apt-get purge tetex-base

and record the output. It's going to be _a_lot_of_lines, probably it's
best to do

apt-get purge tetex-base 2>&1 | tee purge-base.log

After this,

grep texdoc /var/lib/ucf/hashfile

should give no output.  If this is true, you can reinstall everything
and be happy.  If it still gives something like this:

9957008bc9073607c1090f4ce55cc3c0  /etc/texdoctk/texdocrc

then you have to use the direct ucf call, as above in option one, and we
need to examine purge-base.log

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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