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Re: Postponing postinst stuff for later execution

On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 06:53:32PM +0200, Frank Küster wrote:
> uwe@steinmann.cx (Uwe Steinmann) wrote:
> > On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 05:53:28PM +0200, Norbert Preining wrote:
> >> Dear all!
> >> 
> >> I want to postpone some actions of the postinst script to a later
> >> timepoint, after dpkg has finished installing stuff. I guess you know
> >> why, several runs of updmap-sys and fmtutil-sys --all just takes toooo
> >> long.
> >> 
> >> Are there any ideas how one can do this?
> > Check out the zope package and some of it modules. They use
> > the Post-Invoke mechanism. Each zope package asks when zope shall
> > be restarted. If you say 'at the end' it will touch
> > /var/run/zope.restart only.
> > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90zope will be run after installing all
> > packages, checks for /var/run/zope.restart and restarts zope
> > if the file is available.
> Do you know whether there have been any cases where a buggy zope package
> caused the restart to fail?  And if yes, what will happen (error
> messages, what state are which packages in, and dpkg as a whole)?
I haven't had a case, but from looking at the mechanism used there
aren't many potential points of failure. Each zope extension package
just needs to create a file or not. In the worst case the postinst
script of the zope extension fails to create the file and doesn't
restart zope itself.
I wouldn't mind if the tetex package offer something similar. I
personaly have many styles and fonts put into individual debian
packages. Installing more than 5 at a time is very anoying since
it takes for ever.


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