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Bug#329189: tetex-base: dvips -Poutline not using .pfb fonts


Let me make sure I understand what you are saying:

  Simply changing the line 'if updmap 2> $tempfile; then' into
  'if /bin/sh /usr/bin/updmap 2> $tempfile; then' in
  tetex-extra.postinst and running 'tetex-extra.postinst configure'
  gives you a different (more complete) psfonts_t1.map than running that
  command without the change?

If so, presumably both ways run a different updmap program. Quite
strange, but if only this change does what you say, I cannot see any
other cause (this is very surprising because the first thing
tetex-extra.postinst does is set a sane PATH; it doesn't export it,
though, but that cannot explain why the 'updmap' and
'/bin/sh /usr/bin/updmap' calls give different results here).

Could you please:

  1. Confirm the emphasized paragraph above.
  2. Check whether running the 'tetex-extra.postinst configure' in
     either setup several times in a row always gives the same result.
  3. Tell us what you obtain from '/usr/bin/which updmap' (as root).
     Check also in the script: insert

        echo "Updmap found: $(/usr/bin/which updmap)"

     just before the if...fi block that calls updmap.
  4. Try the failing case with 'export PATH=...' instead of 'PATH=...',
     to see if it works better (this will affect PATH searching in
     updmap itself and in the other programs run from the postinst
  5. Tell us what 'ls -l /bin/sh' says.


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