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Re: dh_installtexfonts in tex-common, new usage

Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at> wrote:

> Do you *really* need different priorities?

Not currently, but we might in the future...

> As we have discussed, the priorities in fact do not serve any purpose.

But you don't seem to realize the amount of frustration I feel when I
cannot choose them. How do you think I can win the "My package shows up
first in updmap.cfg" race with you script? Surely I'll never use it!

> Up to now I haven't done anything against multiple incantations. This is
> bad. In fact I should add something like "THis is not idempotent, you
> should call dh_clean before calling it a second time".
> I thought about a solution to this problem by doing something like:
> touch $package.autoscriptdone
> if (! -r $package.autoscriptdone) {
> 	autoscript (....)
> }
> But how do I instruct dh_clean to remove the $package.autoscriptdone
> files?

I don't know. I think it's OK not to support multiple invocations for
the same package if 1) it is documented and 2) everything can be done
with one invocation (such as installing several .cfg files for the same
package with different priorities).

If the problem is dealing with the --priority option being given several
times, maybe we could support an optional priority setting like this

  dh_installtexfonts foo.cfg bar.cfg=12 baz.cfg quux.cfg=11 ...

(here, foo.cfg and baz.cfg would be installed with the default priority,
i.e., 10)

> Yes, but *we* are writting the post*-texfonts script, and if we want to
> shoot ourselves, we have to come up with a different solution ;-))))

Yes, the grep treatment the scripts undergo is easily forgotten given
enough time, and putting a short comment to remind about that is


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