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Re: Too many conflicts? (tetex vs. texlive)

On Sun, Oct 09, 2005 at 16:16 +0000, W. Borgert wrote:

> for good reasons texlive conflicts with tetex.  Unfortunately,
> some font packages depend on tetex, which makes them
> uninstallable together with texlive.  However, as long as
> texlive is not in unstable, I cannot file a bug against the font
> package to depend on tetex|texlive.  Having the font packages
> duplicated in texlive would also not nice.  Any idea, how to
> solve the problem?

I don't think it makes sense trying to solve this before the teTeX 3
packages hit unstable. Both TeX Live and teTeX 3 use a font installation
and configuration method that is different from that used by the teTeX 2
packages. Of course, all font packages currently in Debian use this old
method. Hence a simple depend on tetex|texlive is /not/ enough. However,
once teTeX 3 hits unstable one can file bugs against these packages to
update their maintainer scripts. At that point, one could ask them to
also include appropriate TeX Live packages as dependencies.

BTW, to the list. What would be an appropriate Depends line? In
mk-tex-fontpack I currently use

tex-common, tetex-bin | texlive-basicbin , tetex-base | texlive-basic

I think that should be ok, but I am not sure. Current lmodern has
versioned dependencies on tetex-{bin,base}:

tex-common, tetex-bin (>= 3), tetex-base (>= 3)

Is this necessary? Current tex-common specifies

Conflicts: tetex-bin (<= 3.0-4), tetex-base (<= 3.0-3)


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