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Bug#356853: Scalable LaTeX font: Licensing question regarding ae fonts


My apologies for the delay, some of my mails were not forwarded
correctly to me...

Basically, I don't really have the energy to care about intricacies of
licenses, but if you feel that a) you want to do the work and provide
me with a file that I can then upload to CTAN, and b) that this does
not change the licensing in such a way that the package can no longer
be in teTeX and friends, I'm fine with doing the necessary updates.


On 4/11/06, Frank Küster <frank@kuesterei.ch> wrote:

I assume that I am right in attributing the ae fonts collection for
LaTeX to you?  While doing a license cleanup in teTeX and TeXLive, I
noticed that there is a small problem with this package.  It contains a
copy of the GPL which probably indicates that it is intended to be
released under that license.

However, this is not sufficient to put a work under GPL; instead one has
to follow the procedure described in the text:  Namely putting a short
GPL notice into each file, or instead listing all files and saying they
are all under GPL.

I would be grateful if you could clarify this.  Since we're both in
Zurich, you're welcome to give me a phone call at 044-635-5536 (work
hours) or at home (043-5393706).

Merci vielmal,
Regards, Frank

Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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