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Re: How to deal with teTeX's and texlive's RC licensing bugs

Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at> wrote:

>> >> an ethiop-fonts package, too.  But as a short term solution I suggest
>> >> P/C/R. 
>> >
>> > For ethiop I leave if for now, too much work to sort this out ...
>> You mean, you just keep the Conflicts?  There are no files in ethiop
>> that are missing in texlive, except of course things like individual
>> debian/copyright.  So I think we can safely add Provides/Replaces.
> Ok, 
> 	provides;texlive-latex-?????;ethiop
> 	replaces;texlive-latex-?????;ethiop
> 	conflicts;texlive-latex-????;ethiop
> with current version number I assume?

There is no versioned "Provides", so the whole construct doesn't make
much sense with versions, I fear.  Moreover, we cannot be sure that the
next version of ethiop will include the fonts - which other version
should we take?  In fact it may well be that the fonts will be in a
different package.  On the other hand, AFAICT the separate package has
no advantage over ethiop stuff in texlive.

Therefore I suggest to just do it without versions; we can always change
it should the need arise.  

BTW I have just submitted two bugs to ethiop, one about alternative
dependencies, one about including type1 fonts.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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