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Debian Context Font problems

Hi Norbert,

Here's a simple test case illustrative of the reason why I don't
use Debian Context packages 2007.01.23-1 and 2007.01.23-2.


In 2007.01.12.2-1 this works fine but in later contexts the
section symbols are so tall that those for 2 and 3 overlap.

Here's the pdffont output for the PDF generated by 01.12:
name                                 type         emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ------------ --- --- --- ---------
JWRWBM+LMRoman12-Regular             Type 1       yes yes yes      7  0
BRHVGD+CMSY10                        Type 1       yes yes no      10  0

And here's the pdffont output for the PDF generated by 01.23:
name                                 type         emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ------------ --- --- --- ---------
EXKOFC+LMRoman12-Regular             Type 1       yes yes yes      7  0
JRTCBR+LMMathSymbols10-Italic        Type 1       yes yes no      10  0

The section symbols look OK once they reach print preview but the
mess in the PDF viewer from section symbols and other characters
means that I have to keep using 2007.01.12.2-1 for now.

My lmodern is 1.00-3 and my pdftex is pdfetex 1.30.5-2.2 from
texlive-base-bin 2005.dfsg.2-10.

Is this something you can reproduce or something I've messed up
in my configuration?


--Mike Bird

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