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Re: Issues with and after upgrade to texlive

On Monday 16 April 2007 11:49, you wrote:
> Currently, tetex-bin Depends: texlive.  If we change that to
> Depends: texlive-latex-base, texlive-latex-recommended, \
>   texlive-fonts-recommended

Thanks for the quick replies, and for taking this space issue seriously.

> then we loose files that used to be installed with tetex (notably
> context), but I think we'll get much closer to what most people
> actually used of tetex-bin.  And ConTeXt users will know what they
> miss, anyway. This "will use 64.6 MB of disk space" and, together with
> an entry in NEWS.Debian, should make most people happy.

One part of the space increase I saw is probably more to how aptitude 
handles recommends than due to the texlive packaging.
I have tetex-extra installed (as dep from jadetex), but did not have most 
of its recommends installed (latex-beamer, latex-xcolor, lmodern, pgf, 
preview-latex-style). During the upgrade, those packages will be selected 
automatically by aptitude because they are also recommended by 

It may make sense to document a list of packages for which it is safe to 
unselect them if they were not installed before.

It is possible that aptitude will behave differently from the commandline 
when called as 'aptitude dist-upgrade', but it is something to keep in 
mind for the etch->lenny upgrade.


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