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Bug#491452: lualatex seems to ignore the 'adjustwidth' environment.

Package: luatex
Version: 0.28.0-1


  I ran lualatex on the attached LaTeX document (adjwdth.tex), and I 
  found that it doesn't treat the 'adjustwidth' environment, the same 
  way that latex (when using pdftex engine) treats it.

 أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy)
  Digital design engineer
 GPG KeyID: 0x9DCA0B27 (@ subkeys.pgp.net)
 GPG Fingerprint: 087D 3767 8CAC 65B1 8F6C  156E D325 C3C8 9DCA 0B27


\section{Adjusted page width}
Normal text
Adjusted width text


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