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Bug#491993: please create ttf-yfrak package

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 12:12:42PM +0200, Norbert Preining wrote:
> On Di, 22 Jul 2008, Joe Nahmias wrote:
> > It would be very helpful if you would provide a TTF version of the yfrak
> > font as a separate package.
> There is no ttf version of this font present! So we cannot create a new
> package.
> So I suggest one of the two things:
> - you create your own yfrak.ttf font using fontforge and include it in
>   your package
> - you create your own yfrak.ttf font and make a ttf-yfrak package
> - you ask whoever to create the ttf font and maintain a package
> Unfortunately we are missing the ability to actually check that the
> created font is ok, and the time to maintain a special case.

Creating the TTF font from the PFB you ship is not much of a problem;
it's a simple script that's used as a basic example in the fontforge
scripting tutorial [0]!

I suppose I could create a shell source package that just build-deps on
fontforge and texlive-fonts-extra and generates the TTF from the font
you currently ship.  However, there'd be the problem of keeping in sync
with texlive-fonts-extra and it'd be nice if the version numbers matched
somehow...  Oh well, I guess this won't be done before lenny freezes. :(


[0] http://fontforge.sourceforge.net/scripting-tutorial.html

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