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Re: urgent question concerning order of autoscript debhelper snippets

On So, 27 Jul 2008, Joey Hess wrote:
>        V6  Changes from V5 are:
>            -       Commands that generate maintainer script fragements will order the
>                    fragements in reverse order for the prerm and postrm scripts.

Aehmm, ok ...

> It was introduced in spring 2007 with appropriate fanfare and documentation.

Hmm, never heard. But then, I don't follow all the details.

> > - is this going to stay like this?
> Yes, but nothing is forcing you to use debhelper v6 or above.

That is not the question! We are shipping a script dh_installtex which
several people use for building there stuff, and as soon as they switch
to dh >= 6 their packages are broken. 

Ok, this is a bug in dh_installtex, but I would have (in 2007) hoped
that those writing dh_* stuff would get informed, personally (the list).

Anyway, do you have any quick tip how I can check from the perl script
dh_installtex what version is currently in use?

And thanks for the quick reply.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at>        Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining@debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
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TOLOB (n.)
A crease or fold in an underblanket, the removal of which involves
getting out of bed an largely remaking it.
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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