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Re: Debian package for PGF 2.10

Hi Danai,

Thanks for the helpful comments. I just posted some remarks on building the 2.10 PGF package to tex.sx. I'm also ccing the Debian wishlist bug on 2.10.


I'm not entirely clear what to do with your comments below. Should I work on this package some more and upload it somewhere? Should I file bugs against the Debian package? Something else?

More comments below.

On Mon, 28 Feb 2011, Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐) wrote:

Hi Faheem

2011/2/27 Faheem Mitha <faheem@email.unc.edu>:

Ohura-san is planning an update, yes. See

I see.

Actually, I just built the package with a few minor changes to the 2.0
Debian packaging.

Lintian reports the following errors/warnings.

faheem@orwell:/usr/local/src/pgf$ lintian pgf_2.10-0_all.deb

E: pgf: debian-revision-should-not-be-zero 2.10-0
W: pgf: doc-base-abstract-field-is-template pgf:6
W: pgf: executable-not-elf-or-script
W: pgf: executable-not-elf-or-script
W: pgf: executable-not-elf-or-script
W: pgf: maintainer-script-empty preinst
W: pgf: command-with-path-in-maintainer-script postinst:24 /usr/bin/mktexlsr
W: pgf: maintainer-script-empty prerm
W: pgf: command-with-path-in-maintainer-script postrm:25 /usr/bin/mktexlsr

2) The executable-not-elf-or-script presumably mean that these files
shouldn't be executable? It is true that these three files under that
directory are executable, but the rest aren't. Probably an unstream issue.

If you build the package with something like a "get-orig-source"
target, then you will always have this issue.  You can add a "chmod
-x" in the debian/rules, and later on ask upstream to remove the
executable bit.

Ok. Just stick a

chmod -x filename

in the rules file?

3) debian-revision-should-not-be-zero refers to

You mean "doc-base-abstract-field-is-template" I presume.

Yes. Sorry.

I guess this refers to /usr/share/doc-base/pgf and specifically the
description field. Ie.

Document: pgf
Title: User s Guide to the PGF Package, Version
Author: Till Tantau <tantau@cs.tu-berlin.de>
Abstract: This manual describes what pgf is
 and how it can be used to
 manage online manuals on Debian systems.

That is indeed the default text and should be changed.

Possibly the Title should be

User's Guide to the PGF Package, Version 2.10

and the Abstract something like

Abstract: Guide for usage of PGF and TikZ.

Not sure what one should say here.

You could add some attributes like how thorough and beautifully
written the documentation is.  That's one of the first things that
impressed me when I looked at PGF and TikZ.
Most documents are boring and technical, but this guide has a nice
introduction, large reference material, etc.  Add something that
compels end users to download the manual.

It's true. The TikZ/PGF is most excellent, and PGF represents an improbable amount of high quality work.

How about

Document: pgf
Title: User s Guide to the PGF Package, Version
Author: Till Tantau <tantau@cs.tu-berlin.de>

Abstract: This is a comprehensive and high quality manual for PGF and TikZ, including several tutorials and a detailed reference. It discusses both the more accessible frontend subsystems such as TikZ, and more low-level and powerful functionality that may not be needed by the average user.

Section: Text

(With feedback from http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/41/tex-latex-and-friends)

4) maintainer-script-empty preinst (ditto for prerm)
refers to http://lintian.debian.org/tags/maintainer-script-empty.html

So preinst and prerm should be removed?



5) command-with-path-in-maintainer-script? This refers to
Should one just use mktexlsr then?

Definitely.  Sometimes you would want to have your own "mktexlsr" and
therefore change the $PATH variable.


I tried using the package and it seems to work ok.



texdoctk pgf

does not work.

Running just


and then searching for pgf brings up a window, but when I click on it I get
an error. So I must have done something wrong here.

I believe there was a discussion a long time ago about the differences
between texdoc and texdoctk.  texdoc is the one used by TeX Live; I
don't know if texdoctk is still actively maintained, but was used with
teTeX.  Try "texdoc -s pgf" to get some results in a terminal.

Yes, texdoc works as you described. Is texdoctk supposed to work or not?

                                                        Regards, Faheem

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