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Re: Please enable people to help you in packaging

On 19.03.12 Thomas Weber (tweber@debian.org) wrote:


> 2) If you fix a bug, please mark it as pending - #492932 was fixed three
> years ago, but there's no sign of that in the bug report.
> http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debian-tex?view=revision&revision=3770
> I'm quite sure there exist some hooks for SVN to manage this
> automatically from debian/changelog entries.
Sometimes we fix bug, w/o noticing this. I'd be nice if you could
send us a hint (so we can close it) or do it yourself after you
checked it is solved.

I noticed that you closed some "upstream has a newer version" - bugs.
I plan to list the bugs (which will be fixed in TL 2012) in the
changelog, but did not find the time to write it. If you could help
to write it, these bugs could be closed by next upload.

When a cow laughs, does milk come out of its nose?

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