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Re: LuaTeX 1.0.0?

On Fri, Jan 06, 2017 at 10:27:37PM +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:
> > > whether it needs to run "luatools --make cont-en" (just by checking
> > 
> > It is all done in tex-common triggers.
> On second thought, we have a trigger for "rebuild all formats",
> but unfortunately there is no registry of defined formats 
> that would be rebuilt with luatools.
> I thought that somewhere I have code that rebuilds context Mark4
> if context package is installed, need to investigate. Maybe that
> is not actually executed since the switch to triggers for formats.

Hi Norbert,

On my testing system, the only postinst containing luatools is
context.  There's probably a good reason for this: luatools is the
"ConTeXt TDS Management Tool", specifically for ConTeXt.  So I guess
that all is needed is to copy the context postinst code to within the
run_mtxrun_if_possible function in tex-common postinst; I suggest that
it goes within the if [ "$do_it" = 1 ] block, as mtxrun and luatools
are both within the same package (context), so after running mtxrun
(line 126 of tex-common.postinst), have the additional block (within
the same if [ "$do_it" = 1 ] test):

      tempfile=$(mktemp -p /tmp luatools.XXXXXXXX)
      printf "Pregenerating ConTeXt MarkIV format. This may take some time... "
      if luatools --make cont-en > $tempfile 2>&1 ; then
        rm -f $tempfile
        echo "done."
        exec >&2
        echo "luatools --make cont-en failed. Output has been stored in"
        echo "$tempfile"
        echo "Please include this file if you report a bug."
        exit 1

Best wishes,


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