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Am 26.08.2017 um 21:44 teilte حسن عابدی mit:


Sorry to say this, But you are implicitly saying we need more than just one instance of an error/bug in a package to declare it broken?(Lol); I don't think because a package has fewer users it should be left unattended; At least I guess it's fair to say that "texlive-lang-arabic" is partially broke(xepersian is not working properly);

Well, one bug (depending on the severity) does not declare a package to be completely broken. I guess the package still delivers some functioning features; sorry I don't really know the package, as I don't speak a language from the arabian/persian world.

Btw, Will it stay in this state in Debian 9's stable package repository, say, for next 5 years? In point releases get non-sev bugs fixed. One could do the effort and
upgrade xepersian to 17.3 (from 17.2), but beforehand one needs to prove if v17.3 really solves your specific problem and evaluate possible regressions. As I don't use that package I tend to leave that job to the end user (you!). Would you be so kind to upgrade to 17.3 in your local texmf? If that version turns out to solve your problem, there is a chance that the problem will be solved in one of the next point releases.

BTW: in the last release cycles we had a Debian release every 2 years, so I guess your bug is fixed in latest 2 years w/ the release of buster.

#206401 http://counter.li.org

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