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Bug#598351: texlive-latex-base: Error when using lmodern fonts together with T1 fontenc

Am 13.08.2019 um 16:45 teilte Eugen Dedu mit:
> On 05/08/2019 17:18, Hilmar Preuße wrote:
>> Am 04.08.2019 um 21:39 teilte Hilmar Preuße mit:
>>> Am 28.09.2010 um 14:30 teilte Eugen Dedu mit:

Hi Eugen,

>>> Does this address work?
>>>> I have an error when using lmodern fonts together with T1 fontenc (as
>>>> required by French babel to have correct hyphenation on accentuated
>>>> characters).  When using pdflatex or latex on the following text:
>>> It is still unclear why the mf files from the EC fonts are used, when
>>> lmodern fonts are requested. I forwarded the question to tex.sx.
>>> https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/502820/lmodern-latex-tries-to-create-tfm-files-for-ec-fonts
>> Update: add the following line right after loading the lmodern package
>> then it works:
>> \fontfamily{\familydefault}\selectfont
> Now I have texlive-latex-recommended installed (it is needed by several
> other packages), and there is no error.  Do you want me to do something?
No, not really. Your issue was that the document does not compile, in
case the -recommended is not installed b/c it tries to read the tfm
files from the ec fonts. I started a thread @tex.sx and got the
information that the problem can be avoided as described above. Still
I'm not sure if it is a bug in fontenc package.

In case the solution above is acceptable for you, let me know.

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