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Bug#958852: texlive-base/extra breaks jupyter-sphinx-theme autopkgtest: Builder name pickle not registered or available through entry point

reassign 958852 src:sphinx,src:jupyter-sphinx-theme
found 958852 sphinx/2.4.3-2
found 958852 jupyter-sphinx-theme/0.0.6+ds1-9
retitle 958852 sphinx breaks jupyter-sphinx-theme autopkgtest

On 25-04-2020 23:50, Hilmar Preuße wrote:
> Am 25.04.2020 um 22:10 teilte Paul Gevers mit:
> Hi Paul,
>> With recent uploads of texlive-base and texlive-extra the autopkgtest of
>> jupyter-sphinx-theme fails in testing when that autopkgtest is run with
>> the binary packages of texlive-base and texlive-extra from unstable. It
>> passes when run with only packages from testing. In tabular form:
> I'm not 100% sure if it is the fault of TL 2020. Please note that at the
> same time sphinx 2.4.3 was uploaded. And you'll notice that the last
> successful run was w/ sphinx 1.8.5, meanwhile it fails w/ sphinx 2.4.3.
> Hence I suspect an incompatibility of jupyter-sphinx-theme & sphinx,
> which is quite unrelated to TeX Live.

So it seems. The reference run in testing already failed now on amd64.
Expecting the same to happen on arm64.


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