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Bug#1001785: texlive-extra affected by log4j CVEs

Am 16.12.2021 um 09:38 teilte Sven Mueller mit:

Hi Sven, hi Norbert,

texlive-extra-utils contains arara (https://github.com/islandoftex/arara)
which was updated two days ago via TeX Live (https://www.tug.org/texlive/)
which was updated slightly after that. Please update to the newest TeX Live
ASAP, as arara in unstable and testing (also stable?) currently bundles a
vulnerable apache-log4j2 version.

According to my knowledge the arara.jar from stable does not contain the java class in question:

hille@sid:~/TL_1 $ unzip -l arara.jar |grep -i lookup|grep -i jndi
hille@sid:~/TL_1 $

hille@sid:~/TL_1 $ unzip -l arara_sid.jar |grep -i lookup|grep -i jndi
2937 2021-12-12 23:41 org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup.class

So stable is not affected. Could anybody confirm?


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